Primary Care Service List



These services are provided by Primary Care professionals: family physicians, paediatrician, nurses, midwives, physiotherapists, social workers, security guards, administrative staff, porters and other professionals who each day take care of our population.




1.Children's consultation

Coverage of people from 0-14 years old within the Department of Health Valencia La Fe.


2. Adults consultation

Coverage of people older than 14 years old within the Department of Health Valencia La Fe.


3. Childhood growth monitoring

Coverage of the childhood population within the programme.

4. School health education

Activities developed by Primary Care professionals related to prevention and detection of health problems in children.


5. Flu vaccination

Special vaccine programme


6. Tetanus vaccination –Diphtheria

High risk groups:

-       People older than 50 years olds living in rural areas

-       Farmworkers

-       Drug consumers

-       Pregnant women not immunized


The rest:

-       Adults not immunized


7. Hepatitis A vaccination. High risk groups (2%)

High risk group:

-       Health services, prisons, police, firefighters, street sweepers.

-       Close contact with carriers of the disease.

-       Patients on haemodialysis treatment, patients receiving transfusions, transplants, etc.

-       Residents and workers at centres for disabled people.

-       Many sexual intercourses

-       Travelling to places with high prevalence


8. Pneumococcus vaccination

- People older than 65 years old

- Patients without spleen or with spleen hypofunction.


9. High Blood Pressure


-       Registration in the Primary Care Health Record (Historia de Salud de Atención Primaria (HSAP)) at least every 4 years between 14 and 40 years old.

-       Registration in the Primary Care Health Record (Historia de Salud de Atención Primaria (HSAP)) at least every 2 years in people older than 40.



-       Screening, coverage, follow-up and results.



10. Dyslipidemia


- Cholesterol test record:

- Every 5 years in men between 35 and 65 years old and women between 45 and 65 years old.

- At least once in people older than 65 if they haven't performed it yet.



-       People older than 70 years old without risk factors.


11. Diabetes


-Glucose test done every 3 years to people older than 45.

-Every year and to people of every age when any of these high risk factors takes place:

- BMI greater than 27

- Family history in a first-degree relative

- Previous gestational diabetes

- Dyslipidaemia or high blood pressure

- Glucose intolerance or impaired fasting glucose

Exclusion criteria:

 -Gestational diabetes


-Screening, coverage, follow-up and results.


12. COPD (4,7%)

Inclusion criteria:

-       Obstructive spirometric pattern.


-       Screening, coverage, follow-up and results (stop smoking).


13. HIV +

Number record


14. Immobilized patients

Patients immobilized for 2 months or more (5% older than 65)


-       Coverage and follow-up



15. Patients who need palliative care (0,3% of the population)

Life expectancy: less than 6 months.


-       Coverage and follow-up


16. Fragile elderly people (15% older than 65)

Inclusion criteria (at least one of the following):

-       Disabling chronic condition

-       Polypharmacy (more than 5 drugs)

-       Living alone

-       Older people (more than 80 years)

-       Hospitalization in the last three months

-       Widowhood in the last year

-       Social problems affecting health.


-       Coverage and follow-up


17. Mental health (20% of the general population)

Patients with active mental health problems record.


18. Tuberculosis (MTB) (20 cases/100,000 citizens)

Number record of patients with MTB.


19. Appointment and evaluation of pregnant women

Coverage index:

-       Pregnant women *100/estimated population.

Follow-up index:

-       Number of pregnant women with follow-up according to protocol guidelines/ pregnant women appointed.


20. Preparation of labour and birth

Coverage index:

-       Included pregnant women *100/estimated population.


21. Contraceptives methods. Information and follow-up

Women between 15 and 49 years old (information and follow-up).


22. Rubella vaccination

Knowledge of immunization status.

Coverage index:

-       Total number of immunized women * 100/women between 15 and 49 years old.


23. Climacteric Menopause

Coverage index:

-       Number of included women *100/total number of women older than 45.


24. Cervical cancer


-       1 year of interval between 2 pap tests. Then every 3 years to sexually active women from 35 to 65 years old.

-       Women older than 65 who haven't had a pap test: 1 year of interval between 2 pap tests. If both are negatives, then no more tests will be done.


25. Breast cancer


-       Annual clinical examination in women aged 40 or older

-       Mammogram every two years in women aged 45 or older.


26. Endometrial cancer

High risk factors:

-       History of endometrial hyperplasia

-       Obesity

-       Infertility

-       Polycystic ovary syndrome

-       Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding

-       Oestrogen without gestagen treatment

-       Previous malignant breast and ovary tumour

-       Previous treatment with tamoxifen




-       Annual examination of postmenopausal bleeding


27. Bowel cancer

Bowel cancer screening in the target population: 50-69 years old, within the Department Valencia La Fe.


28. Social work

- Social worker intervention with victims of gender violence

- Social worker intervention at home care

- Social worker intervention with immigrants

- Social worker intervention with older people

- Social worker intervention with children and young people

- Social worker intervention in the procedures for obtaining the health card



-Oral health check-up

-Oral health advice, especially on diet and hygiene.

-The use of fluoride

-Dental sealant

-Temporary tooth extraction

-Teeth cleaning when necessary

-Care of acutely injured people

-Detection and treatment of malocclusions



Primary Care Centre Miguel Servet.

Minor surgery activities performed by members from the Primary Care Centre and from the Surgery Unit of Hospital La Fe.






At Primary Care Centres Campanar, Trinitat, Benicalap and Salvador Allende and Juan XXIII.

Physiotherapy activities performed by professionals from Primary Care Centres and from the Rehabilitation Unit of Hospital La Fe. It includes:

-       Prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders

-       Physiotherapy treatments to control symptoms and functional improvement of musculoskeletal disorders

-       Physiotherapy treatment of neurological disorders

-       Chest physiotherapy

-       Healthcare guidance/training for the patient and caregiver.